Who we are
The Ateneo Veneto is the oldest cultural institute still operative in Venice. Established in 1812, it has been active for over two centuries with the sole mandate of pursuing social solidarity. Its objective is to collaborate to the development and spreading of the sciences, literature, and arts in all of their forms and expressions. In particular, to promote studies related with Venice, with the safeguarding of its cultural heritage and with the social and cultural growth of its inhabitants.
The premises
Situated in a historical building of the 1500’s previously known as “Scuola dei Picai”, the Ateneo Veneto is a venue open to the city of Venice. During the course of the year, hundreds of initiatives are held focusing on cultural and scientific debates, training and outreach courses as well as events dedicated to the arts and sciences, all free of charge.
Not only are there initiatives foreseen within its Academic Programme, duly promoted by the institute but there are also numerous events hosted by the Ateneo Veneto that are considered meritorious and coherent to its objectives.
Institutional activities
There are many activities, all free of charge, with which the Ateneo Veneto uses to respect its statutory provisions. Besides promoting its cultural programme, there is the establishment of research prizes, the publication of studies and monographs, the conservation and maintenance of its vast library which contains over 60,000 volumes, of which 20,000 are relevant to Venice and the Veneto Region, that are available for consultation by the public.