Friends of the Ateneo
All activities are open and free to the public but the Ateneo also needs new friends for support so to continue its mission: the dissemination of culture, in every form. So…please become a Friend of the Ateneo Veneto.
Contributions and Benefits
With a simple annual contribution of 40 Euro (20 Euro for students up to 30 years of age), you can become part of the special register of the Friends of the Ateneo and actively support our institution.
Payments can be made through the Ateneo’s account:
IBAN IT36 J030 6909 6061 0000 0010 138
The Friends of the Ateneo Veneto can benefit from a series of limited discounts for purchases made in book shops, restaurants from affiliated sponsors.
More information
Friends of the Ateneo Membership Cards are valid for one year and can be picked up in the Secretariat.
For additional information, please contact the Secretariat from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 12:30pm and from 1:30pm to 4pm.
e-mail: info@ateneoveneto.org
tel.: +39-041.5224459