The Ateneo Veneto is composed of three hundred members, residents of the city or of the Province of Venice and by an undetermined number of non-resident members – honourary and international.
The Ateneo’s members are personalities of the sciences, literature and arts that have agreed to provide their efforts to pursue the objectives of the institution, as stated in Art. 4 of the Charter that regulates the admission procedure. One can become a member only by co-optation. A proposal to be elected a member must be presented by one or more current members, completing the form which can be downloaded.
A curriculum vitae must also be provided and is addressed to the Academic Board. If the Board is favourable, the proposal is deliberated during a Members assembly.
Only resident and non-resident members are required to pay a membership fee which for 2024 is 150 Euro.
Many members past and present of the Ateneo are scholars, academics, entrepreneurs, politicians and artists that have been major figures in the cultural and social scenes of Venice and the entire country. From Daniele Manin to Nicolò Tommaseo, from Alessandro Manzoni to Andrea Zanzotto, from Pietro Paleocapa to Carlo Rubbia, from Antonio Canova to Emilio Vedova, from Riccardo Selvatico to Tina Anselmi.
The members that the Assembly elects as President and all of the institutional roles, represent the reflection of the changes of Italian society. They are the backbone of a long established institution which keeps the cultural debate alive with an eye always turned to the aspects of modern day.
Discover the special rates proposed for Members and Friends of the institution, by viewing the list of sponsors/supporter: