
Ateneo Veneto in culture in movement

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The Ateneo Veneto is an association recognised as a non-profit organisation. As indicated in its Statute, it is governed by its Members’ Assembly represented by the President. Other bodies include the Academic Council composed of the Presidential Committee (President, Vice-president, Academic Secretary, Treasurer, Delegate of Special Affairs); by twelve Academic Councillors and by an administrative body (three Auditors and a substitute Auditor). Other institutional roles are the Curator of Art Collections and Loan Manager, the Proto della Fabrica, the Librarian, the Curator of the Archives, the Director of the Ateneo Veneto Magazine and the Coordinator of Legal Affairs, Ethics and Statute.

President's Committee

President: Dr.ssa Antonella MAGARAGGIA

Vice President: Prof. Filippo Maria CARINCI

Academic Secretaries: Avv. Alvise BRAGADIN

Treasurer: Dr. Giovanni ANFODILLO

Responsible for Special Projects: Dr.ssa Paola MARINI

Academic Council

Dr.ssa Emanuela BASSETTI
Gen. di Corpo d’Armata Bruno BURATTI
Prof.ssa Donatella CALABI
Prof. Ettore CINGANO
Prof.ssa Ilaria CROTTI
Dr. Giorgio CROVATO
Dr.ssa Maria Teresa DE GREGORIO
Prof. Roberto ELLERO
Prof. Michele GOTTARDI
Prof.ssa Maria Christine JAMET
Prof.ssa Margherita LOSACCO
Dr.ssa Tiziana PLEBANI

Control Body

Avv. Silvio CHIARI
Dr. Alessandro DANESIN
Dr. Renato MURER
Prof. Rocco FIANO (alternate auditor)

Curator of Art Collections and Loan Manager

Dr. Camillo Tonini

Proto della Fabrica

Arch. Alberto Ongaro


Prof.ssa Dorit Raines

Conservator of the Archives

Dr.ssa Alessandra Schiavon

Scientific Editor of the Ateneo Veneto Magazine

Prof. Gianmario Guidarelli

Editor of the Ateneo Veneto Magazine

Prof. Michele Gottardi

Legal Affairs Referee, Ethics and Statute

Avv. Simone Zancani

Delegate for Relations with Schools

Prof. Franco Ferrari

President of the Commission Torta Prize

Arch. Maura Manzelle


Ateneo Veneto is culture in moviment