Guida ai mestieri del mare – L’Arsenale di Venezia – SUBTITLES ENGLISH
Dalle origini alla fine del 1700
L’Arsenale di Venezia
The document called “A GUIDE TO THE ARTS AND CRAFTS OF THE SEA. From the origins to the end of the 1700s. The Venetian Arsenal” is a Controcampo Produzioni – Venice production for Ateneo Veneto, created with the support of the Veneto Region and dedicated to the history of maritime trade and the traditional crafts connected to it, based on the Venetian environment.
The docu-film (directed by Pierandrea Gagliardi, scientific direction and texts by Pasquale Ventrice) was conceived and realised for all history enthusiasts and lovers of Venice, anywhere in the world and it is available in three different languages: Italian, English, and Spanish.
The documentary recounts the various works that were performed within the Arsenal in order to construct and complete the fitting out of the ships of the Serenissima Republic of Venice.
Due to its long history, the Venetian Arsenal represents a unique manufacturing and proto-industrial production experience in the field of shipbuilding and production. In fact, it represented an enclave of production processes and practices involving a variety of techniques, equipment, and human resources. During the centuries of shipbuilding, techniques and work experience gained can be attributed to the development of professional figures whose services have led to the development of various techniques in more advanced forms.
In this video, we begin by viewing an animated version of Giammaria Maffioletti’s extraordinary map of the shipyard from 1797, which is preserved in Venice’s Naval History Museum. The map takes us back to the vision of a compendium before the restructuring of activities took place, as well as the demolition of the surrounding wall and the opening of a new sea route in the first half of the 19th century, which began under Napoleonic rule and was later completed by the Austrians.
The map illustrates the various positions occupied by the different work departments within the shipyard during the Serenissima Republic of Venice and thus allows us to trace how the work within the compendium was carried out. The map is therefore an indispensable document to reliably reconstruct, through their distribution, what the succession of the various trades in the construction of a ship was: from stonemasons to naval carpenters, from caulkers to ropemakers, from coppersmiths to smelters, from artillerymen to oar makers, etc.
Each “job” corresponds to a video file that, thanks to the use of old prints, drawings, archive images, and reconstructions, explains clearly and comprehensively the exact task performed, in the form of a visual as well as linguistic glossary.
“A guide to the arts and crafts of the sea. From the origins to the end of the 1700s. The Venetian Arsenal” is designed not only for enthusiasts of the subject but also for all Venetians around the world. It is also designed for cultural institutes and Italian associations abroad, for schools and for teachers who can incorporate it into their Italian language and culture courses.
A Controcampo Produzioni – Venice production for Ateneo Veneto
with the contribution of the Veneto Region
From the origins to the end of the 1700s – The Venetian Arsenal
Directed by: Pierandrea Gagliardi
Scientific and script director: Pasquale Ventrice
Narrator: Paolo Tonetto – Media Più
Organiser: Marina Niero
Shooting: William Carrer, Giulio Nardocci, Pierandrea Gagliardi | Editing: Alice Lorenzon | Illustrations: Fabio Santin | Graphic animations: Domenico Preli | Script co-editor: Mariagrazia Gagliardi | Colour grading: Alice Lorenzon | Photographs: Kata Roth | Camera assistant: Alberto De Grandis | Administration: Liala Casagrande
Translations and subtitles: Roberto Giaccari
We would like to thank:
Ministero della Cultura; Marina Militare Italiana – Istituto di Studi Militari Marittimi Venezia; Comune di Venezia – VELA; Museo Correr – Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia; Fondazione Querini Stampalia Onlus; Archivio Graziano Arici; Biblioteca Civica di Trieste; Società di Mutuo Soccorso Carpentieri e Calafati; Roberto Borgato e Marco Bacci; Associazione Arzanà; Polo Tecnico Professionale Vendramin Corner; Istituto professionale Giorgio Cini di Venezia; “Lo squeretto Zen” di Nicolò Zen; Le fórcole di Saverio Pastor; Squero Tramontin; Silvia Scaramuzza e Francesco Stenghel; Paolo Convilli; Atelier Aperto – Venezia; Dino Chiaranda; Carlo Beltrame e Serena Zanetto; Cantiere Dei Rossi.