martedì 03 Giugno 2014 - 09:30
Sala Tommaseo
Programma accademico
CHEOPS Science Meeting – 2° edizione
2nd CHEOPS Science Meeting
09:30 Welcome and Introduction W. Benz
09:40 CHEOPS Scientific Objectives D. Ehrenreich
10:10 Mission and Payload C. Broeg
10:50 CHEOPS Platform N. Rando
11:10 Coffee
11:40 Ground Segment M. Beck
12:10 Report from Science Team D. Queloz
12:30 General discussion about the mission
13:00 Lunch
14:30 TESS mission (invited talk) M. Clampin
15:00 The sky of CHEOPS A. Fortier
15:30 A new analysis of the properties of CHEOPS targets S. Ortolani
16:00 Coffee
16:30 Transit light curve analysis as a tool to unveil exoplanet atmosphere structures and the possible presence of satellites I. Juvan
17:00 The effect of stellar activity in planetary transits: the case of CoRoT-7b S. Barros
17:30 General discussion about CHEOPS performances
a cura di INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova