Maria Cavallarin Prize
on Dalmatia, Istria and islands of the Eastern Veneto

By testamentary bequest of Mrs Maria Cavallarin, selected original and unpublished studies on the history, anthropology, economical geography and art relevant to Dalmatia (region of Croatia) and the islands of the eastern Veneto area, are eligible to receive a prize.
Pietro Torta Prize
for the architectural restoration of Venice

This prize was established in 1974 by the Ateneo Veneto to honour the legacy of the engineer Pietro Torta, passionate about the restoration of the City of Venice’s architectural heritage and for many years President of the Venetian Order of Engineers. From 1997, this Prize is awarded biennially with the contribution and participation of the Order and of the College of Engineers of the Province of Venice and takes into consideration the interventions undertaken or completed within the last two years within the Metropolitan City of Venice.
The Marino Grimani Prize
for Artisan Restoration and the Conservation of Historical and Artistic Works

Established in 2012, this Prize is named after Marino Grimani, member of the Ateneo Veneto who for years led the Venetian Chamber of Commerce. It is awarded for excellence in artisan restoration and in the conservation of historical and artistic works.
Achille e Laura Gorlato Prize
about the History of Venice and Istria

The Prize is dedicated to Achille Gorlato, an Istrian historian and ethnographer and his daughter Laura. It is awarded to original and unpublished works relevant to the history of the Veneto area and Istria from the ethnographic, anthropological, artistic and more specifically from the historical-institutional viewpoint.
Paola Rigo Prize
for Dantesque Studies

This Prize was created in memory of Paola Rigo, a scholar of philology and a critic of Dante’s works, by the wish of her brother. It is assigned to unpublished dissertations of Masters and Doctoral degrees relevant to Dante Alighieri – his personality, his works and his fortune.
An idea for the future prize
A prize for the new generations

Award dedicated to new ideas and projects for the future, developed by Venetian students of all levels of education, including universities, in the cultural, scientific, economic, social, ecological, artistic.