Guidelines of the Presidency

Four year term 2022 – 2025
by Antonella Magaraggia
The four year term from 2022 / 2025 of the Ateneo Veneto, initiated within a particular context – subsequent to the pandemic, optimistic that the worst has been overcome, but still cautious of how to learn to coexist with it. Despite all, this period is marked by a strong will for recovery and socialisation that our Institution must take advantage of and put to good use.
Cultural traditions have been deeply rooted over the two hundred years of its establishment making the Ateneo Veneto solid and essential. Our activities will continue on its marked path, with greater focus in the scientific fields.
The Ateneo must, however, continue to keep up with the changes of our time. There are new social parametres: a greater awareness and knowledge of the environment, affirmation of the digital world and the new frontiers of communication.
A stratified culture – made of time and knowledge – as well as adequate tools is what the Ateneo can provide to better face and comprehend these social changes. Only by understanding them we can govern them.
Our Institution, historically an agora for citizens distinguished by its impartiality and courage, must continue to be a venue for high level debates of the polis, addressing the citizen’s problems even those most pressing.
We will strive to include another component of the social fabric, our youth – encourage and stimulate them not just to be spectators but also to be players in our activities.
In this effort, the Ateneo cannot stand alone. The cultural offer in the city is abundant and varied. There is as much wealth as fragmentation. We must cultivate and bring to term the project that sees the Ateneo as a driving force of a network of Venetian culture. This vision, however must project itself beyond the city to support the historical notion of expansionism of Venice. The platforms used during the pandemic will allow us to connect with the world and intensify fruitful and reciprocal cultural exchanges.
In realising this programme, the main players will be above all, its Members, with their expertise and knowledge in every field – this is the real asset of the Ateneo.
Lastly, a word about the economical situation. During the last decade, the revenues that once could be counted on have been reduced or no longer exist. Balancing the annual budget is not an easy task. We will continue to look for safe and valid funding resources as the Ateneo’s economic stability is the foundation where to formulate all types of planning.
Venice, January 2022